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Work-based Learning Projects for the Classroom

Title:  Application of Component Configuration Files


Name of NGM Educator:

Rebecca Marra, CAD Dept. Head, Platt Technical High School

Name of Host Company:

Pennsylvania Globe

Grade Level:

10th,11th, 12th grades

Student Work Types:

-Research and select components to use in this application.
-Using CAD to create solid models for use in a configuration file.
-USing CAD to manipulate features and dimensions for use in a design table.
-Individual application of components
-Group application of components

Task Abstract:
Develop and analyze a component to be used for the configuration file application. Analyze the dimensions and features which will be required to be manipulated through the design table to produce a multiple set of components from one file. Create a configuration file utilizing a design table and producing a solid model to be used in a library of components.

Task Objectives:

  1. The student will be able to access information from a table and apply the information to create a solid model.
  2. The student will be able to use configurations to represent different versions of a component in a single file.
  3. The student will be able to suppress and UN-suppress features.
  4. The student will be able to change dimension values by configuration.
  5. The student will be able to suppress features by configuration.
  6. The student will be able to identify various components and products which benefit from a configuration format.


Esssential Understandings/Questions:

  1. What is feature-based parametric solid modeling?
    • Feature-based parametric solid modeling is the ability to break a single part down into various components or features such as holes, a base, or fillets and use their dimensions and relations to capture design intent and make changes easily.
  2. What is the best way to represent more than one version of a part?
    • Configurations allow you to represent more than one version of the part in the same file.
  3. What is used to temporarily remove a feature?
    • Suppress is used to temporarily remove a feature. When a feature is suppressed, the system treats it as if it doesn’t exist.
  4. How can you determine the differences between configurations in a family component?
    • The configuration name appears in the configuration manager. It is used to distinguish between configurations within the same part or assembly of the part or assembly.

Task Description: Upon completion of theory, students will research various industry catalogs and select appropriate parts for use in a configuration file. Students will develop a chart identifying the component features and dimensions to be used in the design table format. Students will Solid model the component with design intent in place allowing them to create a design table from the information they have obtained and determined necessary for a configuration file format. The file will be shared and tested by classmates to verify the effectiveness of the chosen format. The part will be applied to a drawing. The student will maintain a record of configuration formats created in their notebook.

Resources Required: Understanding of blueprint reading, Ability to create a solid model, Solid Works software application, machinery handbook, electronic component catalogs

Prior Learning Required: The students must have an understanding of software applications related to computer aided drafting & design along with blueprint reading. The ability to use and access Excel is required

Context within which work is produced:

There are workstations equipped with computers containing CAD software and access to a server for shared information and component formats.

Individual or Group Work:

This project has the ability to be both an individual application and a group application. The resultant enables anyone to utilize the parts created for a multitude of purposes.

Special Needs:

Educator Comments: I believe giving the students a real to life application is the most beneficial process. I am very grateful for the opportunity to become reacquainted with industry so I may provide a current project with updated software applications to my students. This was an invaluable experience and I would highly recommend participation to every instructor.





The Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing is funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education program. Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.